Do you have bad habits, phobias and fears?
Would you like to feel more calm and confident?
Would you like to have more energy and motivation ?
Anni's Healing Garden is located on the Northern Beaches of Sydney,
in Beacon Hill, NSW ph. 0408 696 089 [email protected] |
Philosophy Anni Casey's natural therapies practice, Anni's Healing Garden, was born 30 years ago with her desire to help people feel their best and achieve their goals. Anni has worked in the natural therapies field for over 30 years and has run her own clinic for over 25 years. Anni is fully qualified and experienced in a range of therapies including Hypnotherapy, NLP and Energy Healing. Anni's approach is caring and personalised to ensure your needs are understood and addressed. Her clinic is a serene and nurturing space in which you can express your concerns and goals. A clearing and calming therapy such as Reiki or Chakra balance allows you to feel more centred and focused. Healing therapies also assist in illness recovery by allowing your body's natural healing capacity to function better. Hypnotherapy/NLP sessions are specifically tailored to help adults shift their mind set for the better in areas such as confidence, weight loss, quit smoking, phobias, bad habits, PTSD, and much more. There is limited availability for these sessions. ph. 0408 696 089 |
Healthy Mind Therapies
Hypnotherapy can help you with just about any issue you face, including:
HYPNOTHERAPY EXPLAINED STOP SMOKING LOSE WEIGHT CONFIDENCE PHOBIAS PTSD ANXIETY & PANIC ATTACKS NLP(Neurolinguistic Programming) My Healthy Mind Therapies include Hypnotherapy, NLP and Emotional Freedom Technique. Each therapy creates healthier thought patterns, in turn allowing you to achieve a more balanced, positive way of being. |
Healing Therapies
Are you looking for a gentle, yet powerful way of healing your body and renewing your energy?
Healing therapies such as Reiki, Chakra Balancing and Reconnective Healing help you to feel calmer and regain your energy. They are also excellent therapies to have when you need some extra support such as recovering from illness or an operation. |
Nurture your mind, body & spirit with Anni’s Healing Garden
If you are looking for a fully qualified and accredited natural therapist, then look no further than Anni’s Healing Garden! Since 2000 I have run my own clinic and I have treated many satisfied clients. My clinic uses an holistic approach to healing and is an ambient and serene place to come and relax, de-stress and have your concerns addressed in a caring and professional manner. We have many different types of treatments and therapies on offer from healing therapies to uplift your spirit, serene mind therapies to help you eliminate bad habits, fears and phobias. I invite you to come to experience a nurturing therapy at Anni’s Healing Garden.
Hypnotherapy & NLP
Hypnotherapy can be used to free you from phobias, fears, bad habits and to bring about confidence and healthy minds. Although the effects of hypnosis can seem magical, hypnosis itself is actually very easy to understand and experience. It is a normal everyday occurrence and a powerful tool to enable change in a person. We are able to go into hypnosis because trance is part of our natural makeup as human beings. Without the ability to focus our attention, we wouldn’t be able to concentrate, learn, remember and so on.
Every time you focus down your attention you enter a kind of hypnotic trance. Whereas ‘normal’ awareness can involve being aware of many things and the mind ‘hopping around’, a defining characteristic of the trance state is a single or limited focus of attention, which is the state that enables change to occur in the unconscious mind and how hypnotherapy works. You are always in control during a Hypnotherapy and NLP session.
Hypnotherapy and NLP are very similar and can be used together in a session. Whereas hypnotherapy uses the relaxed, trance state of mind, in NLP you are an active participant and are interacting with the practitioner. Both therapies may be used to bring about positive changes so that you can be free from the burden and restrictions of your past, enabling you to live a much more positive and fulfilled life with a calm, healthy mind.
Hypnotherapy is very successful in changing your life including helping you quit smoking, achieve weight loss, eliminate bad habits, overcome phobias and calm anxiety.
Hypnotherapy for anxiety
Feeling anxious and worrying all the time can feel like you’re always waiting for something bad to happen. Hypnotherapy for anxiety teaches your unconscious mind how to achieve a calm mind and body so that you feel calm and in control wherever you may be or whatever you need to do. Hypnotherapy for anxiety helps you to stop worrying and eliminates that feeling of dread, giving you the tools you need to live your life in a calm, reassured and confident manner, in turn allowing you to step out of your comfort zone and achieve your goals.
Weight loss hypnotherapy
Trying to lose weight can be very challenging. Frustration and low self esteem can make it very hard to keep on track when losing weight. How can hypnotherapy for weight loss help you? Weight loss hypnotherapy helps you alter your thinking pattern around food, weight loss and yourself, creating healthier and more robust thoughts which in turn foster a more harmonious relationship with food and exercise. Weight loss hypnotherapy improves your self esteem, determination and confidence, erasing the negative thoughts you might have had around weight loss and helping you to see that your goals are achievable.
Quit smoking hypnotherapy
Needless to say to quit smoking is a very big challenge for some people. However, quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for yourself as smoking is extremely harmful to your lungs, your overall health and is attributable to dozens of smoking related diseases. Why gamble with your life? You never know which cigarette will be the one to kill you. Quit smoking hypnotherapy is very effective in turning you into a non smoker and keeping you that way by effectively changing your thoughts around smoking. Quit smoking hypnotherapy works effectively in altering a person’s perspective about cigarettes and smoking so that they can go on to live a long a healthy life free from the damaging effects of cigarettes.
Hypnotherapy for confidence
We all agree that confidence plays a significant role in our lives. Confidence is directly proportional to the level of success we attain in our lives, careers, relationships etc. Many people lack the level of confidence to lead the life they want and improving one’s confidence level is the ultimate goal for many people. As hypnosis accesses the unconscious mind where our beliefs live, Hypnotherapy for confidence is a successful way of achieving this confidence. Hypnotherapy for confidence changes your limiting beliefs about yourself and boosts your confidence to the level necessary to allow you to achieve your goals in life.
Hypnotherapy for phobias
Fear is a vital response to physical and emotional danger, enabling us to protect ourselves from legitimate threats. However sometimes people fear situations that are far from dangerous, for example, meeting new people or flying in aeroplanes.
A phobia is an irrational fear in which the individual has a relentless dread of a situation, living creature, place or thing. The phobia is very real to the sufferer and they will go to great lengths to avoid the perceived danger. Because these irrational fears live in the unconscious mind, Hypnotherapy for phobias is a potent therapy which assists in eliminating these phobic reactions. By accessing the unconscious mind, Hypnotherapy for phobias changes the thoughts and feelings around the phobia and perceived danger. Hypnotherapy for phobias allows the individual to live their life free from these constricting, irrational fears and phobias.
Have you suffered an illness or just feel like some nurturing? Reiki calms and balances the mind, helps to release stress from the body and assists in the treatment of physical ailments and pain. Reiki is a gentle yet powerful natural energy healing system that has its roots in Tibet thousands of years ago, adapted to modern understanding by a Japanese Buddhist in the early 1920’s. Reiki practitioners make use of a technique called hands-on healing, where the practitioner gently places their hands in different positions on the client’s fully clothed body, allowing Reiki energy to flow to the client, in turn stimulating the client’s own healing ability. When used regularly, Reiki helps significantly in maintaining a calm mind and healthy body.
Chakra balancing
Are you feeling stuck or out of sorts? Chakra balancing is like spring clean for your energetic system. Chakra is a Sanskrit word that refers to wheel or disk and there are seven main chakras starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head. The chakras represent the energy centres in our body that funnel energy into the body and the associated organs. An “imbalance” in your Chakras symbolizes that some Chakras are over-active while some may be under-active. Chakra balancing is achieved using crystals to release the negativity that has been stuck in your energy system, balancing and restoring the energy around each chakra. Chakra balancing leaves you feeling lighter, clearer and peaceful, allowing you to move forward with your life with renewed energy and vitality.
Holistic Healing
As the name implies, holistic healing is the healing technique that addresses the whole person (body, mind and spirit). Practitioners of Holistic Healing are of the view that our body is interdependent; if one part is not working properly, all the other parts will be affected. Holistic Healing practitioners therefore work to address the cause of the problem, not just the problem itself. By doing so, a client can achieve wellbeing and stay well. To achieve this aim, Holistic Healing practitioners may use a variety of therapies that they are trained in, such as Hypnotherapy, Reiki to help achieve “wholeness” and wellbeing for the client.
If you are looking for a fully qualified and accredited natural therapist, then look no further than Anni’s Healing Garden! Since 2000 I have run my own clinic and I have treated many satisfied clients. My clinic uses an holistic approach to healing and is an ambient and serene place to come and relax, de-stress and have your concerns addressed in a caring and professional manner. We have many different types of treatments and therapies on offer from healing therapies to uplift your spirit, serene mind therapies to help you eliminate bad habits, fears and phobias. I invite you to come to experience a nurturing therapy at Anni’s Healing Garden.
Hypnotherapy & NLP
Hypnotherapy can be used to free you from phobias, fears, bad habits and to bring about confidence and healthy minds. Although the effects of hypnosis can seem magical, hypnosis itself is actually very easy to understand and experience. It is a normal everyday occurrence and a powerful tool to enable change in a person. We are able to go into hypnosis because trance is part of our natural makeup as human beings. Without the ability to focus our attention, we wouldn’t be able to concentrate, learn, remember and so on.
Every time you focus down your attention you enter a kind of hypnotic trance. Whereas ‘normal’ awareness can involve being aware of many things and the mind ‘hopping around’, a defining characteristic of the trance state is a single or limited focus of attention, which is the state that enables change to occur in the unconscious mind and how hypnotherapy works. You are always in control during a Hypnotherapy and NLP session.
Hypnotherapy and NLP are very similar and can be used together in a session. Whereas hypnotherapy uses the relaxed, trance state of mind, in NLP you are an active participant and are interacting with the practitioner. Both therapies may be used to bring about positive changes so that you can be free from the burden and restrictions of your past, enabling you to live a much more positive and fulfilled life with a calm, healthy mind.
Hypnotherapy is very successful in changing your life including helping you quit smoking, achieve weight loss, eliminate bad habits, overcome phobias and calm anxiety.
Hypnotherapy for anxiety
Feeling anxious and worrying all the time can feel like you’re always waiting for something bad to happen. Hypnotherapy for anxiety teaches your unconscious mind how to achieve a calm mind and body so that you feel calm and in control wherever you may be or whatever you need to do. Hypnotherapy for anxiety helps you to stop worrying and eliminates that feeling of dread, giving you the tools you need to live your life in a calm, reassured and confident manner, in turn allowing you to step out of your comfort zone and achieve your goals.
Weight loss hypnotherapy
Trying to lose weight can be very challenging. Frustration and low self esteem can make it very hard to keep on track when losing weight. How can hypnotherapy for weight loss help you? Weight loss hypnotherapy helps you alter your thinking pattern around food, weight loss and yourself, creating healthier and more robust thoughts which in turn foster a more harmonious relationship with food and exercise. Weight loss hypnotherapy improves your self esteem, determination and confidence, erasing the negative thoughts you might have had around weight loss and helping you to see that your goals are achievable.
Quit smoking hypnotherapy
Needless to say to quit smoking is a very big challenge for some people. However, quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for yourself as smoking is extremely harmful to your lungs, your overall health and is attributable to dozens of smoking related diseases. Why gamble with your life? You never know which cigarette will be the one to kill you. Quit smoking hypnotherapy is very effective in turning you into a non smoker and keeping you that way by effectively changing your thoughts around smoking. Quit smoking hypnotherapy works effectively in altering a person’s perspective about cigarettes and smoking so that they can go on to live a long a healthy life free from the damaging effects of cigarettes.
Hypnotherapy for confidence
We all agree that confidence plays a significant role in our lives. Confidence is directly proportional to the level of success we attain in our lives, careers, relationships etc. Many people lack the level of confidence to lead the life they want and improving one’s confidence level is the ultimate goal for many people. As hypnosis accesses the unconscious mind where our beliefs live, Hypnotherapy for confidence is a successful way of achieving this confidence. Hypnotherapy for confidence changes your limiting beliefs about yourself and boosts your confidence to the level necessary to allow you to achieve your goals in life.
Hypnotherapy for phobias
Fear is a vital response to physical and emotional danger, enabling us to protect ourselves from legitimate threats. However sometimes people fear situations that are far from dangerous, for example, meeting new people or flying in aeroplanes.
A phobia is an irrational fear in which the individual has a relentless dread of a situation, living creature, place or thing. The phobia is very real to the sufferer and they will go to great lengths to avoid the perceived danger. Because these irrational fears live in the unconscious mind, Hypnotherapy for phobias is a potent therapy which assists in eliminating these phobic reactions. By accessing the unconscious mind, Hypnotherapy for phobias changes the thoughts and feelings around the phobia and perceived danger. Hypnotherapy for phobias allows the individual to live their life free from these constricting, irrational fears and phobias.
Have you suffered an illness or just feel like some nurturing? Reiki calms and balances the mind, helps to release stress from the body and assists in the treatment of physical ailments and pain. Reiki is a gentle yet powerful natural energy healing system that has its roots in Tibet thousands of years ago, adapted to modern understanding by a Japanese Buddhist in the early 1920’s. Reiki practitioners make use of a technique called hands-on healing, where the practitioner gently places their hands in different positions on the client’s fully clothed body, allowing Reiki energy to flow to the client, in turn stimulating the client’s own healing ability. When used regularly, Reiki helps significantly in maintaining a calm mind and healthy body.
Chakra balancing
Are you feeling stuck or out of sorts? Chakra balancing is like spring clean for your energetic system. Chakra is a Sanskrit word that refers to wheel or disk and there are seven main chakras starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head. The chakras represent the energy centres in our body that funnel energy into the body and the associated organs. An “imbalance” in your Chakras symbolizes that some Chakras are over-active while some may be under-active. Chakra balancing is achieved using crystals to release the negativity that has been stuck in your energy system, balancing and restoring the energy around each chakra. Chakra balancing leaves you feeling lighter, clearer and peaceful, allowing you to move forward with your life with renewed energy and vitality.
Holistic Healing
As the name implies, holistic healing is the healing technique that addresses the whole person (body, mind and spirit). Practitioners of Holistic Healing are of the view that our body is interdependent; if one part is not working properly, all the other parts will be affected. Holistic Healing practitioners therefore work to address the cause of the problem, not just the problem itself. By doing so, a client can achieve wellbeing and stay well. To achieve this aim, Holistic Healing practitioners may use a variety of therapies that they are trained in, such as Hypnotherapy, Reiki to help achieve “wholeness” and wellbeing for the client.